Faculty Bookshelf

Writing the Child: Fictions of Memory in German Postwar Literature
Susanne Baackmann
The child is never just a child. While the image, voice and gaze of the victimized child is a universal symbol of a failing world, it can be an equally potent aesthetic screen for historical obfuscation. Analysing selected works by Dieter Forte, G&#

Conquering Women: Women and War in the German Cultural Imagination
Susanne Baackmann
Susanne Baackmann received her PhD in German Studies from the University of California at Berkeley in 1993 with her dissertation, Erklar mir Liebe: Weibliche Schreibweisen von Liebe in der Gegenwartsliteratur (Explain Love to Me: How Women Write Lov

Erklar mir Liebe: Weibliche Schreibweisen von Liebe in der Gegenwartsliteratur
Susanne Baackmann
Susanne Baackmann received her PhD in German Studies from the University of California at Berkeley and joined the University of New Mexico faculty in 1993.

Scripting Shame in African Literature
Stephen Bishop
Shame is one of the most frequent underlying emotions expressed throughout sub-Saharan African literature, yet studies of such literature almost universally ignore the topic in favour of a focus on the struggle for independence and the postcolonial

Legal Oppositional Narrative
Stephen Bishop
This book examines the possibilities of opposition to government-supported, dominant social orders through legal writing using post-Independence (1960-61) Cameroon as its example. 'Legal writing' in this case encompasses traditional fictional works

Rakugo: Performing Comedy and Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Tokyo
Lorie Brau
An introduction to the theatrical art of comic storytelling that originated in the Edo period, Rakugo sheds light on Japanese culture as a whole: its aesthetics, social relations, and learning styles. Enriched with personal anecdotes, Rakugo explica

Heroines and Local Girls: The Transnational Emergence of Women's Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century
Pamela Cheek
Over the course of the long eighteenth century, a network of some fifty women writers, working in French, English, Dutch, and German, staked out a lasting position in the European literary field. These writers were multilingual and lived for many ye

Sexual Antipodes: Enlightenment Globalization and the Placing of Sex
Pamela Cheek
Sexual Antipodes is about how Enlightenment print culture built modern national and racial identity out of images of sexual order and disorder in public life. It examines British and French popular journalism, utopian fiction and travel accounts abo

Screening Love and War in Troy: Fall of a City
Monica Cyrino
This is the first volume of essays published on the television series Troy: Fall of a City (BBC One and Netflix, 2018). Covering a wide range of engaging topics, such as gender, race and politics, international scholars in the fields of cl

Rome Season Two: Trial and Triumph (Screening Antiquity)
Monica Cyrino
Set in the turbulent years after Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, Season Two of the HBO-BBC series Rome lays bare a city shaken by the violent power struggle between Octavian, Caesar's adopted son and heir, and Mark Antony, his most trusted general,

Rome, Season One: History Makes Television
Monica Cyrino
Rome, Season One: History Makes Television examines the first season of the HBO-BBC collaboration, Rome, in a collection of thought-provoking essays by some of the world’s most influential scholars in the fields of classical antiquity and popu

STARZ Spartacus: Reimagining an Icon on Screen
Monica Cyrino
Gladiator, rebel slave leader, revolutionary: a collection of essays dissecting four seasons of STARZ Spartacus The figure of Spartacus often serves as an icon of resistance against oppression in modern political movements, while his legend has insp

Classical Myth on Screen
Monica Cyrino
An examination of how screen texts embrace, refute, and reinvent the cultural heritage of antiquity, this volume looks at specific story-patterns and archetypes from Greco-Roman culture. The contributors offer a variety of perspectives, highlighting

Screening Love and Sex in the Ancient World
Monica Cyrino
This dynamic collection of original essays by leading international film scholars and classicists addresses the provocative representation of sexuality in the ancient world on screen. Throughout the history of cinema, filmmakers have returned to the

Aphrodite: Gods and Heroes of the Ancient World
Monica Cyrino
Aphrodite explores the many myths and meanings of the Greek goddess of love, sex and beauty. One of the most widely worshipped and popular deities in Greek antiquity, Aphrodite emerges from the imaginations of the ancient Greek writers and artists a

Big Screen Rome
Monica Cyrino
Big Screen Rome is the first systematic survey of the most important and popular films from the past half century that reconstruct the image of Roman antiquity.
The first systematic survey of the most important and popular recent films about Roman

Homeric Durability: Telling Time in the Iliad
Lorenzo Garcia
The Iliad defines its poetic goal as preserving the kleos aphthiton, “fame unwithered,” (IX.413) of its hero, Achilles. But how are we to understand the status of the “unwithered” in the Iliad?
In Homeric Durability, Lorenzo

A Journey Through Greek Mythology 2nd Edition
Luke Gorton
A Journey Through Greek Mythology is a guidebook intended to accompany students in an introductory Greek mythology course. It serves as a practical and versatile introduction to the study of the major Greek gods and heroes and lays the groundwo

Scoring Race: Jazz, Fiction, and Francophone Africa
Pim Higginson
Scoring Race: Jazz, Fiction, and Francophone Africa (Boydell and Brewer, 2017) is a comparative study of the interwar reception of jazz in France and of the impact of this jazz imaginary on a generation of Francophone African authors. Writers

Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Syntax-Discourse Interface in Heritage Grammars
Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan
In Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Syntax-Discourse Interface in Heritage Grammars, Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan investigates comprehension and production of anaphoric dependencies with null and overt subject pronouns. She discusses the divergent

Empires of Love: Europe, Asia, and the Making of Early Modern Identity
Carmen Nocentelli
Through literary and historical documents from the early sixteenth to late seventeenth centuries—epic poetry, private correspondence, secular dramas, and colonial legislation—Carmen Nocentelli charts the Western fascination with the eros

Von Eierschwammerlhohen zur D. H. Lawrence Ranch (German Edition)
Peter Pabisch
Creative literature, translations into English, French and Spanish, critical and artistic contributions were pinpointed intellectually during a cultural symposium in the Rockies in the summer of 2007. For three weeks, members of the Austrian PEN-Cen

Border Crossings: National Identity and Nation Formation in German Films 1980-2000
Katrin Schroeter
Non-fiction. Detailing treatment of an impressive range of important problems surrounding the notions of the political state, national identity, and cultural production in Germany.
Available in hardcover and paperback.

Language Learning in Study Abroad: The Multilingual Turn
Emma Trentman
Vestiges of monolingual bias are present in the portrayal of study abroad as an idealised monolingual immersion experience and the steps many programs take to encourage or enforce target language monolingualism. In reality, study abroad is ofte

Classical Antiquity in Heavy Metal Music
Osman Umurhan
This book demonstrates the rich and varied ways in which heavy metal music draws on the ancient Greek and Roman world. Contributors examine bands from across the globe, including: Blind Guardian (Germany), Therion (Sweden), Celtic Frost, Eluveitie (

Juvenal's Global Awareness: Circulation, Connectivity, and Empire
Osman Umurhan
Osman Umurhan, Assistant Professor of Classics, has just published his first book with Routledge Press entitled Juvenal's Global Awareness: Circulation, Connectivity, and Empire. His book applies theories of globalization to an investigation of the

Theory, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Francophone World
Rajeshwari Vallury
Theory, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Francophone World: Filiations Past and Future offers a critical reflection on some of the leading figures of twentieth-century French and Francophone literature, cinema, and philosophy. Specialists re-eva

Metaphors of Invention and Dissension
Rajeshwari Vallury
Metaphors of Invention and Dissension studies the relationship between aesthetics and politics in the postcolonial Algerian novel, proposing that postcolonial literature demonstrates a conscious, rational, and deliberate engagement with the question

'Surfacing' the Politics of Desire: Literature, Feminism, and Myth
Rajeshwari Vallury
‘Surfacing’ the Politics of Desire: Literature, Feminism, and Myth questions dominant feminist approaches to the literary representation of gender by revisiting the supposition that male-authored texts are impelled by the will to erase f

Acting Chinese: An Intermediate-Advanced Course in Discourse and Behavioral Culture 行为汉语
Peng Yu
Acting Chinese is a year-long course that, together with the companion website, integrates language learning with the acquisition of cultural knowledge, and treats culture as an integral part of human behavior and communication.
Using modern day exa