Every semester there are over a hundred courses offered with language, culture, and literature content at UNM.
Course Spotlights
Courses offered by the department of Languages, Cultures, and Literatures are diverse and taught by some of the most dynamic faculty members at UNM. Below are a few examples of courses being offered in Spring 2024. Click on the pictures to see more information!
Law and Literature

COMP 580 / LAW 593 / ENGL 511 / FREN 580 - Spring 2024 | Dr. Stephen Bishop
The course will have students of literature, law, history, philosophy, cultural studies, classics, and women studies. Despite its emphasis on American law and literature and French cultural studies, the course is not for any one group of students and rather is meant to be engaging to all those interested in the topic. Readings include Foucault, White, MacKinnon, Derrida, Posner, Levinson, Weisberg, Duras, Barthes, Fish, West, Brooks, Williams, and Montoya. Other texts (readings from ancient Greece, crime fiction, cinema, legal cases) may also be read, though the choice will depend on the class make-up.
Roman Civilization
CLST 2120.001 - Spring 2024 | Dr. Osman Umurhan
Immerse Yourself in Ancient Rome:
Its Diverse People, Culture, History, Influence on Modern Culture, Institutions, Media, Technology, Warfare, Cinema, and (Metal) Music!
Travels In Provence

FREN 320 / CLST 497 - Spring 2024 | Dr. Stephen Bishop | Dr. Osman Umurhan
The Department of Languages, Cultures & Literatures offers this 1-3 credit course to give you direct contact with the history & culture of Provence, both ancient and modern. The trip includes visits to these exciting places:
- Paris
- Optional side visits to Giverny & Versailles
- Aix-en-Provence
Click on the the image to look at the flyer.
For information, contact Stephen Bishop or Osman Umurhan.
Schedule as of February 14, 2025
Continuation of 1130. Following this class, students will be able to perform in specific situations at the Intermediate level on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scale. All five modes of communication are addressed (interpersonal, presentational speaking, presentational writing, interpretive reading, and interpretive listening). Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and an Arabic dialect are taught using an integrated approach. Students will continue to develop their understanding of Arabic-speaking cultures. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50039 | MWF 8:00
AM - 8:50
AM TR 8:00
AM - 9:15
AM | Abdullah A Serag - | 6 | 1 Fees: $ 25 |
Intensive Arabic language course that develops students' Arabic skills to the ACTFL Intermediate High level and expands their cultural knowledge of the Arab world. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50041 | MWF 9:00
AM - 9:50
AM TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Heather M Sweetser - | 6 | 1 Fees: $ 40 |
This course involves the study of Arabic literature and culture in translation. No knowledge of Arabic is required.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T: Intro to Modern Middle East | |||||
CANCELLED 003 | 81305 | Topics | Staff | 3 | 2 |
T: Israeli Society | |||||
CANCELLED 004 | 81306 | Topics | Staff | 3 | Section Full |
T: Intro Modern Middle East | |||||
005 | 81537 | TR 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM | Amit Sadan - | 3 | 6 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 55224 | | Heather M Sweetser - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
002 | 55227 | | Emma G Trentman - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in first year modern standard Chinese (“Mandarin”). This course is recommended for students who have had little or no experience in the Chinese language. A beginning Mandarin Chinese course is designed to introduce the Mandarin sound system (“pinyin”), basic vocabulary, Chinese characters (either in Simplified or Traditional characters), and basic grammatical concepts and structures. In order to help beginners develop their communicative competence in the four basic skills, the 5Cs (Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities) will be integrated consistently into the content and exercises in the course. Credit for both this course and CHIN 1130 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81049 | Off Campus - Albuquerque ONE | Rubing R Hsu - | 3 | 13 |
This is the second semester of a two-semester sequence in first year modern standard Chinese (“Mandarin”). This course is designed for students who have taken first semester Mandarin Chinese, and focuses on enhancing pronunciation and expanding the vocabulary and grammar dealing with daily activities. In order to help beginners develop their communicative competence in the four basic skills, the 5Cs (Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities) will be integrated consistently into the content and exercises in the course. Credit for both this course and CHIN 1140 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81050 | Off Campus - Albuquerque ONE | Rubing R Hsu - | 3 | 13 |
This is the second semester of a two-semester sequence in first year modern standard Chinese (“Mandarin”). This course is designed for students who have taken first semester intensive Mandarin Chinese, and focuses on enhancing pronunciation and expanding the vocabulary and grammar dealing with daily activities. In order to help beginners develop their communicative competence in the four basic skills, the 5Cs (Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, and Communities) will be integrated consistently into the content and exercises in the course. Credit for both this course and CHIN 1120 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language. Prerequisite: 1130.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79245 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Kathleen B Connell - | 6 | 15 |
An integrated language course to develop oral and written proficiency to Intermediate-low level and initial cultural competency. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language. Prerequisite: 1140.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81051 | Off Campus - Albuquerque ONE | Rubing R Hsu - | 3 | 10 |
Follows prerequisite to further develop oral and written proficiency up to Intermediate-mid level and initial cultural competency. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language. Prerequisite: 2110.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81052 | Off Campus - Albuquerque ONE | Rubing R Hsu - | 3 | 10 |
002 | 62317 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Thierry Samuel Kamdem Bouobda - | 3 | 14 Fees: $ 25 |
An integrated language course to develop oral and written proficiency up to Intermediate-high level and cultural competency. Prerequisite: 2120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81047 | Off Campus - Albuquerque ONE | Rubing R Hsu - | 3 | 14 |
Follows 301 to further develop oral and written proficiency up to advanced low-level and cultural competency. Prerequisite: 301.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 81048 | Off Campus - Albuquerque ONE | Rubing R Hsu - | 3 | 14 |
002 | 62316 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Wenfang Zhang - | 3 | 6 Fees: $ 40 |
(Also offered as COMP, ENGL 343) This course surveys Chinese literature and culture from the origins of Chinese civilization to the present, with a focus on the continuities and discontinuities between traditional and modern China.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T:Suprnatural Tales of CHIN&JA | |||||
001 | 79756 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Lorna Brau - | 3 | Section Full |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 57507 | | Peng Yu - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
(Also offered as RELG 319) This course examines issues pertaining to gender and sexuality in ancient Mediterranean religions and cultures, with special attention paid to Greco-Roman religion, Judaism, and Christianity.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79247 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Luke Gorton - | 3 | 23 |
(Also offered as RELG 320) This course examines the perception and reality of magic in the ancient Mediterranean world by examining relevant texts, spells, and relics to situate it within the practice of ancient religion.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79246 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Luke Gorton - | 3 | 4 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 35335 | Independent Study | Monica S Cyrino - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 35336 | Independent Study | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 37002 | | Osman S Umurhan - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
Open only to juniors and seniors approved for departmental honors. Senior thesis based on independent research.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29860 | Independent Study | Monica S Cyrino - | 3 | 25 |
002 | 37003 | | Osman S Umurhan - | 3 | 25 |
003 | 33827 | Independent Study | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 3 | 24 |
A faculty-taught course emphasizing writing, critique and revision within the context of a particular genre or academic discipline. Open only to seniors enrolled in departmental honors. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29861 | Independent Study | Monica S Cyrino - | 3 | 25 |
002 | 29862 | Independent Study | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 3 | 25 |
003 | 37004 | | Osman S Umurhan - | 3 | 25 |
004 | 41428 | | Luke Gorton - | 3 | 25 |
This course is designed teach standard research the skills, research methods, and tools of the discipline, as well as introduce the various subdisciplines and related fields that constitute the study of the ancient world.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Sem: Theory & Method Classics | |||||
001 | 81005 | R 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 3 | 7 |
Comparative Literature
(Also offered as ENGL, FREN 335) Study of individual authors, genres and/or periods of French and Francophone literature and culture.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T: Teaching in the Postcolony | |||||
001 | 80656 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Francis Higginson - | 3 | 4 |
(Also offered as ENGL, JAPN 339) Study of individual authors, genres and/or periods of Japanese literature and culture in translation.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T:Suprnatural Tales of CHIN&JA | |||||
001 | 79784 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Lorna Brau - | 3 | 1 |
(Also offered as RUSS 340) Topics will deal with individual authors, genres, periods or themes. All repeated courses require approval from graduate advisor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T:Saints&Sinners in Russ Cultr | |||||
001 | 79785 | MWF 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM | Irina V Meier - | 3 | 5 |
(Also offered as ENGL, JAPN 341) An introduction to Japanese literature and culture from the 8th to the 19th century, this course focuses on major literary works and performance genres in their historical context.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 80708 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Lorna Brau - | 3 | 5 |
(Also offered as CHIN, ENGL 343) This course surveys Chinese literature and culture from the origins of Chinese civilization to the present, with a focus on the continuities and discontinuities between traditional and modern China.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T:Suprnatural Tales of CHIN&JA | |||||
001 | 79783 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Lorna Brau - | 3 | 1 |
(Also offered as ENGL, FREN 432) Varying topics in the practice and theory of literatures and cultures.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Magic, Witchcraft & Science | |||||
001 | 79685 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Carmen Nocentelli - | 3 | 4 |
Seminar will deal with individual authors, genres or periods in two or more literatures. Reference to other subjects. {Spring}
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Cinematic Cityscapes | |||||
CANCELLED 001 | 79683 | Seminar | Staff | 1 TO 3 | Section Full |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 57336 | | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of an undergraduate Senior-level thesis. Open only to seniors enrolled for departmental honors. Prerequisite: 498. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 47797 | | Susanne Baackmann - | 3 | 5 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. For M.A. candidates. One problems course may be applied to degree. Requires advisor or chairperson approval.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29864 | Independent Study | Lorna Brau - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 29865 | Independent Study | Pamela L Cheek - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 29866 | Independent Study | Monica S Cyrino - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
004 | 29867 | Independent Study | Katrin Schroeter - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
005 | 34918 | Independent Study | Carmen Nocentelli - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
006 | 35004 | Independent Study | Jason Wilby - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
007 | 35323 | Independent Study | Susanne Baackmann - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
008 | 35337 | Independent Study | Irina V Meier - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
009 | 37881 | | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
010 | 37882 | | Osman S Umurhan - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
011 | 49241 | | Luke Gorton - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
012 | 41320 | | Stephen L Bishop - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
(Also offered as MLNG 580) Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study. One problems course may be applied to degree. Requires advisor or chairperson approval.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Thinking Cinema | |||||
CANCELLED 001 | 62180 | Seminar | Staff | 3 | 1 |
Sem: African Woman Writers | |||||
002 | 80660 | T 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Stephen L Bishop - | 3 | Section Full |
Sem: Thinking Cinema | |||||
CANCELLED 003 | 81103 | Seminar | Staff | 3 | 4 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 30021 | Thesis | Monica S Cyrino - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 38164 | | Osman S Umurhan - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 35925 | Thesis | Stephen L Bishop - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
004 | 35360 | Thesis | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 1 TO 6 | 23 |
005 | 30022 | Thesis | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
006 | 30023 | Thesis | Pamela L Cheek - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
007 | 30024 | Thesis | Francis Higginson - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
008 | 30025 | Thesis | Katrin Schroeter - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
009 | 60310 | | Carmen Nocentelli - | 1 TO 6 | 15 |
Intended for students with no previous exposure to French, this course develops basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills aiming toward the ACTFL novice-high level. This is an introductory course designed to teach the student to communicate in French in everyday situations and to develop an understanding of French and Francophone cultures through the identification of cultural products and practices, of cultural perspectives, and the ability to function at a survival level in an authentic cultural content. This course will also develop the student’s sense of personal and social responsibility through the identification of social issues. Conducted in French. Credit for both this course and FREN 1150 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50737 | MWF 9:00
AM - 9:50
AM | Farda Anziza - | 3 | 1 Fees: $ 25 |
002 | 50738 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Mary Anne E Echu - | 3 | 2 Fees: $ 25 |
004 | 50740 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Farda Anziza - | 3 | Section Full Fees: $ 25 |
005 | 50741 | MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Ghogomu Gayelle Chwienui Helen - | 3 | 4 Fees: $ 25 |
006 | 55877 | MWF 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM | Gilles Valere Djietcheu Woosem - | 3 | 1 Fees: $ 25 |
009 | 79261 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Ghogomu Gayelle Chwienui Helen - | 3 | 8 Fees: $ 25 |
A continuation of 1110, students will develop a broader foundation in skills gained during the first semester, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing French aiming toward the ACTFL intermediate-low level. This course is designed to increase student fluency in French as applied to everyday situations. Students will also learn to recognize and understand various French and Francophone products, practices, and perspectives, identifying common cultural patterns, describing basic cultural viewpoints, and further developing their sense of personal and social responsibility through the investigation of cultural issues. Conducted in French. Credit for both this course and FREN 1150 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
CANCELLED 001 | 50746 | Lecture | Staff | 3 | 10 Fees: $ 40 |
002 | 52363 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Mary Anne E Echu - | 3 | 5 Fees: $ 40 |
CANCELLED 003 | 79264 | Lecture | Staff | 3 | 2 Fees: $ 40 |
In this third semester course, students will continue to develop a broader foundation in skills gained during the first year, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing French aiming toward the ACTFL intermediate-mid level. This course is designed to teach the student to communicate in a more sustained way in areas of personal interest and in everyday situations. Students will engage in and analyze various French and Francophone products, practices, and perspectives, as well as continue to develop their sense of personal and social responsibility through comparison and contrast of cultural perspectives. Conducted mostly in French. Credit for both this course and FREN 2140 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50750 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Thais M Autin - | 3 | 6 Fees: $ 40 |
In this fourth semester course, students will continue to broaden and refine skills gained during previous semesters, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing French aiming at the ACTFL intermediate-high level. This course is designed to teach the student to communicate in a more sustained way in situations that go beyond the everyday. Students will evaluate various French and Francophone products, practices, and create ways to demonstrate their sense of personal and social responsibility through participation in cultural interaction.Conducted entirely in French. Credit for both this course and FREN 2140 may not be applied toward a degree program. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 50751 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Gilles Valere Djietcheu Woosem - | 3 | 7 Fees: $ 40 |
Advanced grammar and continued stylistic study and discussion of literature and/or film. A stepping stone to the literature and culture classes. Taught entirely in French.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 43730 | MWF 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM | Anne-Sabine Nicolas - | 3 | 10 |
Study of principles and techniques of translating through comparative stylistics. Co-requisite: 302.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 47719 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Anne-Sabine Nicolas - | 3 | 7 |
Develops students' French skills to an advanced level, introduces them to methods of reading and interpretation necessary for success in advanced courses, and exposes them to literary movements central to French literary traditions.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79257 | TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Anne-Sabine Nicolas - | 3 | 7 |
(Also offered as COMP, ENGL 335) Study of individual authors, genres and/or periods of French and Francophone literature and culture.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Teaching in the Postcolony | |||||
001 | 79278 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Francis Higginson - | 3 | 9 |
(Also offered as COMP, ENGL 432) Varying topics in the practice and theory of literatures and cultures.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T: Magic, Witchcraft & Science | |||||
001 | 80702 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Carmen Nocentelli - | 3 | Section Full |
Topics will deal with specific aspects of French literature, culture, and/or language. Course taught in French. Prerequisite: 301 and 302 and (310 or 315).
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Adv Sem: Cinematic Cityscapes | |||||
CANCELLED 001 | 81166 | Seminar | Staff | 3 | Section Full |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 35119 | Independent Study | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 35120 | Independent Study | Stephen L Bishop - | 1 TO 6 | 24 |
003 | 35124 | Independent Study | Marina L Peters-Newell - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
004 | 35125 | Independent Study | Pamela L Cheek - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
005 | 35126 | Independent Study | Francis Higginson - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
A faculty-supervised course culminating in a comprehensive paper or research proposal that integrates knowledge attained through coursework, research, and experience. Open to juniors and seniors approved by the Honors Committee.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 54688 | | Stephen L Bishop - | 3 | 5 |
A faculty-taught course emphasizing writing, critique and revision within the context of a particular genre or academic discipline. Open only to seniors enrolled for departmental honors.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 35129 | Independent Study | Francis Higginson - | 3 | 25 |
002 | 35130 | Independent Study | Pamela L Cheek - | 3 | 25 |
003 | 35131 | Independent Study | Stephen L Bishop - | 3 | 24 |
004 | 35132 | Independent Study | Marina L Peters-Newell - | 3 | 25 |
005 | 35133 | Independent Study | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 3 | 25 |
Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Sem: Thinking Cinema | |||||
CANCELLED 001 | 80704 | Seminar | Staff | 3 | 2 |
Sem: Thinking Cinema | |||||
CANCELLED 002 | 81104 | Seminar | Staff | 3 | 2 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, no limit. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 35134 | Independent Study | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 35135 | Independent Study | Francis Higginson - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 38252 | | Marina L Peters-Newell - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
004 | 35136 | Independent Study | Pamela L Cheek - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
005 | 35137 | Independent Study | Stephen L Bishop - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
006 | 81053 | | Francis Higginson - | 1 TO 6 | 3 |
Interdisciplinary study of a specific literary genre.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Le Roman noir | |||||
001 | 79279 | W 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Francis Higginson - | 3 | 2 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 38689 | | Francis Higginson - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 35138 | Thesis | Pamela L Cheek - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 35139 | Thesis | Stephen L Bishop - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
004 | 36858 | | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
005 | 59869 | | Carmen Nocentelli - | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 35140 | Dissertation | Francis Higginson - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
002 | 35141 | Dissertation | Pamela L Cheek - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
003 | 35142 | Dissertation | Stephen L Bishop - | 3 TO 12 | 25 |
004 | 38102 | | Rajeshwari S Vallury - | 3 TO 12 | 5 |
This course continues the study of the historic Greek language and culture. The aims of this course are to continue to build basic skills in reading, writing, and comprehension in order to read authentic Greek texts with the help of a dictionary. Students will also continue to study the historical factors behind the developments of the Hellenic world and its texts. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79248 | MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 3 | 22 |
Continuation of 2110. The aims of this course are to develop skills in reading, writing, and comprehension in Greek. These include the grammar, vocabulary, and exegetical tools needed in order to read and understand Greek texts of moderate difficulty and complexity. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 57845 | MW 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Osman S Umurhan - | 3 | 8 |
Readings in Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, Plato and the New Testament, depending on the level and interests of the class.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 33847 | MW 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Osman S Umurhan - | 3 | 9 |
Graduate readings in ancient Greek authors. Prerequisite: 301 or 302.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T: Euripides | |||||
001 | 79275 | T 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Monica S Cyrino - | 3 | 7 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 57197 | | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 1 TO 9 | 5 |
Intended for students with no previous exposure to German, this course develops basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills aiming toward the ACTFL novice-mid level. This is an introductory course designed to teach the student to communicate in German in everyday situations and to develop an understanding of German cultures through the identification of cultural products and practices, of cultural perspectives, and the ability to function at a survival level in an authentic cultural content. This course will also develop the student’s sense of personal and social responsibility through the identification of social issues. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50812 | MWF 9:00
AM - 9:50
AM | Elliot T Jackson - | 3 | 6 Fees: $ 25 |
002 | 50902 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Katrin Schroeter - | 3 | 1 Fees: $ 25 |
003 | 50903 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Viktors Valkovskis - | 3 | 8 Fees: $ 25 |
004 | 79628 | MWF 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM | Viktors Valkovskis - | 3 | 8 |
Continuation of 1110. Students will develop a broader foundation in skills gained during the first semester, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing German aiming toward the ACTFL novice-high level. This course is designed to increase student fluency in German as applied to everyday situations. Students will also learn to recognize and understand various German products, practices, and perspectives, identifying common cultural patterns, describing basic cultural viewpoints, and further developing their sense of personal and social responsibility through the investigation of cultural issues. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50910 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Erin B Consla - | 3 | 12 Fees: $ 40 |
002 | 50909 | MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Caroline A Keller-Gober - | 3 | 8 Fees: $ 40 |
In this third semester course, students will continue to develop a broader foundation in skills gained during the first two semesters, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing German aiming toward the ACTFL intermediate-low level. This course is designed to teach the student to communicate in a more sustained way in areas of personal interest and in everyday situations. Students will engage in and analyze various German products, practices, and perspectives, as well as continue to develop their sense of personal and social responsibility through comparison and contrast of cultural perspectives. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 50911 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Katrin Schroeter - | 3 | 4 Fees: $ 40 |
In this fourth semester course, students will continue to broaden and refine skills gained during previous semesters, including understanding, speaking, reading and writing German aiming at the ACTFL intermediate-mid level. This course is designed to teach the student to communicate in a more sustained way in situations that go beyond the everyday. Students will evaluate various German products, practices, and create ways to demonstrate their sense of personal and social responsibility through participation in cultural interaction. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79671 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Erin B Consla - | 3 | 10 |
Contextual grammar review based on cultural materials from a variety of media and short literary texts.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 34910 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Jason Wilby - | 3 | 10 |
Study of literary texts of varying length from a variety of genres and periods.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79676 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Jason Wilby - | 3 | 12 |
Topics will deal with specific aspects of German literature and culture and language. Repetition unlimited if content changes.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
ST: Literaturgeschichte I | |||||
001 | 62185 | M 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Jason Wilby - | 3 | 3 |
Advanced study of periods and genres in German literature and thought from 1700 to present. Repetition unlimited if content changes.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Deutsches Kino | |||||
CANCELLED 003 | 79679 | Seminar | Staff | 1 TO 3 | 10 |
Deutsches Kino | |||||
004 | 81177 | R 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Katrin Schroeter - | 3 | 5 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29816 | Independent Study | Susanne Baackmann - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
002 | 34420 | Independent Study | Peter K Pabisch - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
003 | 36383 | | Jason Wilby - | 1 TO 3 | 24 |
004 | 34419 | Independent Study | Katrin Schroeter - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
A faculty-supervised course culminating in a comprehensive paper or research proposal that integrates knowledge attained through coursework, research, and experience. Open to juniors and seniors approved by the department.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 33789 | Independent Study | Susanne Baackmann - | 3 | 25 |
002 | 33790 | Independent Study | Katrin Schroeter - | 3 | 25 |
A faculty-taught course emphasizing writing, critique and revision within the context of a particular genre or academic discipline. Open only to seniors enrolled for departmental honors. Restriction: permission of supervising instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29822 | Independent Study | Susanne Baackmann - | 3 | 25 |
003 | 29825 | Independent Study | Katrin Schroeter - | 3 | 25 |
Topics will deal with specific aspects of German literature, culture and language. Repetition unlimited if content changes.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Literaturgeschichte II | |||||
001 | 55938 | M 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Jason Wilby - | 3 | 6 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated per Office of Graduate Studies policy three times. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29830 | Independent Study | Susanne Baackmann - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
002 | 29833 | Independent Study | Katrin Schroeter - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
003 | 38304 | | Jason Wilby - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
004 | 33796 | Independent Study | Peter K Pabisch - | 1 TO 3 | 25 |
Emphasis on the study of gender, or film, or other media from 1800 to the present.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
Deutsches Kino | |||||
003 | 79681 | R 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Katrin Schroeter - | 3 | 7 |
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29835 | Thesis | Susanne Baackmann - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 29836 | Thesis | Katrin Schroeter - | 1 TO 6 | 24 |
Intensive course for serious beginning students.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 51023 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Rachele M Duke - | 6 | 16 |
(Also offered as RELG *475) Principally the Vita Nuova and the Divine Comedy.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 47655 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Rachele M Duke - | 3 | 1 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29755 | Independent Study | Rachele M Duke - | 1 TO 6 | 23 |
Second semester of a two-semester sequence in first year Japanese. This course continues with the basics of the Japanese language with a balanced approach to the development of the four skills; speaking, listening, writing and reading, and cultural enhancement. The course is designed to expand vocabulary, grammar and 145 Kanji to deal with daily activities. This class will be taught by having students interact and perform with each other in addition to the lectures to be given by the instructor in culturally as well as grammatically appropriate manners. Students will attain ACTFL novice-high level in four skills. Credit for both this course and JAPN 1120 may not be applied toward a degree program. Prerequisite: 1130.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 51024 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM TR 9:30
AM - 10:45
AM | Rosemary White - | 6 | 8 Fees: $ 40 |
CANCELLED 002 | 55810 | Hybrid - Lecture | Staff | 6 | 7 Fees: $ 40 |
003 | 62177 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Ryuichi Nakayama - | 6 | 8 Fees: $ 40 |
004 | 81108 | MW 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM F 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Machiko Bomberger - | 6 | 10 Fees: $ 40 |
This course is designed for students who have completed 15 credit hours or the equivalent of Japanese study. This course continues to expand vocabulary, grammar and 271 Kanji to deal with not-complicated daily situation with ease. Also students acquire a competence for Japanese pragmatic usage. This course follows ACTFL language guidelines, integrating the five C’s: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities, to offer the student a well-rounded classroom experience. Students will attain ACTFL intermediate-mid level in four skills. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language. Prerequisite: 2110.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 51026 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Mami O McCraw - | 3 | 12 Fees: $ 40 |
Continuation of 301. {Spring}
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79617 | MWF 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM | Mami O McCraw - | 3 | 8 Fees: $ 40 |
(Also offered as COMP, ENGL 339) Study of individual authors, genres and/or periods of Japanese literature and culture in translation.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T:Suprnatural Tales of CHIN&JA | |||||
001 | 79619 | TR 11:00
AM - 12:15 PM | Lorna Brau - | 3 | Section Full |
(Also offered as COMP, ENGL 341) An introduction to Japanese literature and culture from the 8th to the 19th century, this course focuses on major literary works and performance genres in their historical context.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79627 | TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Lorna Brau - | 3 | Section Full |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Restriction: permission of instructor.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 29749 | Independent Study | Lorna Brau - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
002 | 36422 | | Machiko Bomberger - | 1 TO 6 | 21 |
Introduction to the Latin language; grammar, syntax and readings in Roman authors. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79253 | MWF 9:00
AM - 9:50
AM | Liam C Connerly - | 3 | 3 |
002 | 79254 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Jude C Huffman - | 3 | 3 |
003 | 79255 | MWF 11:00
AM - 11:50
AM | Max Pagano - | 3 | 1 |
Continuation of 1110. Introduction to the Latin language; grammar, syntax and readings in Roman authors. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language. Prerequisite: 1110.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79251 | MWF 10:00
AM - 10:50
AM | Max Pagano - | 3 | 17 |
Systematic review of Latin grammar and syntax; readings in simple prose authors such as Cicero and Caesar; introduction to Latin poetry and scansion. Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language. Prerequisite: 1120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79277 | MW 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Luke Gorton - | 3 | 3 |
Readings in Classical authors such as Plautus, Catullus, Vergil, Horace and Ovid. Occasional composition in Latin. Prerequisite: 2110 or 2120.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 79250 | MW 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Luke Gorton - | 3 | 9 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
002 | 29855 | Independent Study | Monica S Cyrino - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
003 | 29856 | Independent Study | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 1 TO 6 | 25 |
Graduate readings in Latin authors. Prerequisite: *303, *304 or the equivalent.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
T: Tacitus | |||||
001 | 79276 | M 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Osman S Umurhan - | 3 | 7 |
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 36992 | | Osman S Umurhan - | 1 TO 9 | 25 |
002 | 29857 | Independent Study | Monica S Cyrino - | 1 TO 9 | 25 |
003 | 29858 | Independent Study | Lorenzo F Garcia - | 1 TO 9 | 25 |
Modern Language
Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
# | CRN | Time/Location | Instructor | Credits | Seats Available |
001 | 48775 | | Staff | 1 TO 6 | 5 |
See the Russian courses in the University Catalog
and here is the general University course schedule