
Why Study German?

The German department gathered to celebrate German campus weeks with Wunderbar Together


Starting with Basic German that assumes no prior knowledge of the language, we offer undergraduate courses all the way to upper-division courses that focus on advanced topics in German literature, film, and culture. Students who graduate from the German program at UNM will learn:

  • to express themselves fluently and confidently in the German language,
  • to successfully navigate the cultural environments of German-speaking countries, and
  • to become perceptive readers, listeners, and viewers of German texts, films, and other media.


The German Summer School

In addition to our on-campus course offerings, every summer German students also have the unique opportunity of earning credit by enrolling for the German Summer School, an intensive 4 ½-week immersion program conducted in Kingston, NM. The intensive nature of this program, including interaction with visiting scholars and teachers from across the U.S., Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, often enables students to advance an entire level in the course of one full session. Scholarships are available.


Die Deutsche Sommerschule 2022 - Zeitungsworkshop Teilnehmerinnen


For more information regarding GSS 2025 please visit the German Summer School's Website or contact the German Summer School Office at

Undergraduate Advisor - Katrin Schroeter

Check out the University Catalog for German!

German Placement Evaluations

Please contact Dr. Schroeter ( or  Dr. Wilby ( if you are not sure which class you should take.