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Chinese Festival
Faculty help support student-run clubs for several of the languages/cultures in the department. Above, the kick-off to a Chinese Club event.

FLL offers a world of possibilities to the student who wishes to explore languages, literatures, and cultures. With over 15 majors, minors, and languages available, every student interested in pursuing careers in business, government, teaching or travel will find a home in FLL.

While many of the programs in FLL emphasize the development of language proficiency in a communicative and cultural context, students who wish to gain a broader appreciation of culture and literature will find other fields of study in FLL attractive. The program in Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to literature and culture, utilizing critical tools and theories from diverse perspectives.




Undergraduate Honors

College Advisor

If you have a question about completing your degree requirements, contact Kate Merrill for college advisement on FLL majors.

Departmental Academic Advisors

If you have a questions about courses and opportunities (like events, summer school, or funding in an FLL degree program, contact one of the following academic advisors:

ProgramAdvisor Name
Director of Undergraduate Studies

Osman Umurhan

ArabicEmma Trentman
ChineseXiang He
Classical StudiesOsman Umurhan
Comparative Literature & Cultural StudiesPim Higginson
East Asian StudiesLorie Brau
FrenchStephen Bishop
GermanSusanne Baackmann
GreekLorenzo Garcia, Jr.
ItalianRachele Duke
Japanese Lorie Brau
LanguagesJason Wilby
LatinOsman Umurhan
Russian and Russian StudiesTanya Ivanova-Sullivan