Rachele Marongiu Duke

Lecturer III of Italian

Photo: Rachele Marongiu Duke
Email:  rduke@unm.edu
Phone:  505 277-4771
Office:  327C
Hours:  M W 13:00-14:00

Research Area/s:



Educational History:

1988, Ph.D., in Classics/Medieval Latin, UCLA.

1984, C. Phil., in Classics/Medieval Latin, UCLA

1981, M.A., in Classics/French/German, University of Hawaii at Manoa

1978, B.A. in Classics, UCLA

Research Interests:

My interests are the Classics, from Homer to Vergil, as well as Medieval Latin, and Dante Studies. I have done extensive research on biblical commentaries from Ireland, Germany and Italy, and edited Medieval Latin manuscripts.

As a native of Sardinia I have always been interested in Bronze Age archaeology. I am working on a book on the migrations of the Sherden, one of the Sea Peoples tribes, from the Caucasus to Asia Minor and the Mediterranean area. I'm exploring the connections between the Minoan civilization and the cultures of the Western Mediterranean, including the Etruscan culture and its yet undeciphered language.

On a more mundane level, I love the outdoors, hiking, snorkeling and traveling. I especially love to return home to my native Sardinia and to Venice, Italy.

Selected Publications:

  • A Supplement to Scriptores Hiberniae Minores (Corpus Christianorum 108) Comitatus.
    8. (UCLA 1977).
  • Five 11th Century Letters from the Codex Diplomaticus Sardiniae.
    Dissertation. (UCLA 1988).

Teaching Interests:

  • Italian, Latin and Medieval Latin
  • Dolce Stil Novo Poetry
  • Dante Alighieri and the Divine Comedy

Representative Courses:

  • ITLN 175 - 276 - Accelerated Italian I and II
  • ITLN 307 - 308 - Survey of Italian Literature
  • COMP 224 – Literary Questions - Dante in Translation