Osman Umurhan
Associate Professor of Classics

- Email: umurhan@unm.edu
- Personal Website
- Curriculum vitae
- Office: 315B
- Hours: M W 9:30-10:30 & by appointment
Research Area/s:
Classics, Greek, Latin
Osman Umurhan’s (Ph.D., Classics, 2008) primary research focuses on verse satire and other literature of the Roman Empire, with a concentration on the shifting correspondences between geographical boundaries and those of cultural and political identity. He has just published his first book with Routledge Press entitled Juvenal’s Global Awareness: Circulation, Connectivity, and Empire (2018) that applies theories of globalization to an investigation of Juvenal’s articulation and understanding of empire, imperialism and identity so as to explain how the increased interconnectivity between different localities, both ethnic and political, shapes Juvenal’s view of Rome as in constant flux and motion.
Others areas of publication and teaching interest include Greek and Roman comedy, ancient uses and abuses of food, intersections between Roman and New Testament literary traditions, heavy metal music and cinematic receptions of classical antiquity, and much more.
When not in deep thought, Osman also enjoys ping-pong, sunbathe, Mad Magazine, and disco dance.