Jason Wilby
Principal Lecturer of German
Director of Undergraduate Studies

- Email: jwilby@unm.edu
- Curriculum vitae
- Office: 311
- Hours: M 11:00-12:30, R 12:00-13:30
Research Area/s:
Personal Statement:
Jason Wilby’s focus lies in teaching German language, culture and literature at the undergraduate and graduate levels, both on campus at UNM and at the German Summer School of New Mexico. He is interested in furthering the study of German at the secondary and post-secondary levels in New Mexico. In 2014 he began serving as the Chapter President of the New Mexico chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) with the hope of creating more opportunities for learning German in NM and for studying abroad.
Educational History:
Ph.D., German Literature, June 2008, University of California, Irvine. Dissertation title: Searching for a German National Self: Journeys through Transitional Spaces, 1770-1815, directed by Prof. John H. Smith.
M.A., German Philology and English Philology, February 2001, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany. Thesis title: Überschreitung und Verkleidung des Geschlechts. Zur Konstruktion der Frau und des Mannes im bürgerlichen Realismus bei Fontane und Keller, directed by Prof. Dr. Horst Turk.
MBA in Education, June 2021, University of New Mexico.
Research Interests:
18th and 19th-Century German Literature and Philosophy.
Gender Studies.
Psychoanalysis and Literature.
Language Acquisition & Pedagogy.
Articles in refereed journals:
- “Mirrored Subjectivities: Hofmannsthal and Lacan on Reading.” In: Das Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik XLII 1 (2010): 53-64.
- “Global Simulation at the Intersection of Theory and Practice in the Intermediate-Level German Classroom.” In: Die Unterrichtspraxis/ Teaching German 37.2 (2004): 99-116. With Glenn Levine, Natalie Eppelsheimer, Franz Kuzay, and Simona Moti.
Book reviews:
- Review of: Boes, Tobias. Formative Fictions: Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Bildungsroman. Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012. 216 pp. In: Seminar: A Journal for Germanic Studies, 49.2 (May, 2013): 256-258.
- Review of: ELEONORA BONACOSSA, Der weibliche Sinn in der Welt: Iris von Roten. Neue Aspekte aus Sicht der Geschlechterdifferenz. Trans. Renate Bakov. Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2003. In: Focus on German Studies 12 (2005): 162-164.
Selected Conference Presentations:
- The Structure of the Self: Goethe’s Literary Challenge to Schiller’s Philosophical Model of Identity Formation. Presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of the GSA in St. Paul, Minnesota. (2008).
- The Dialectic of Violence: Schiller’s Aesthetic Education and Identity Formation.
Presented at the 123rd Annual Convention of the MLA in Chicago. (2007). - Cultural Transfer and the (Re-)Production of Culture. Presented at the Western Humanities Alliance 21st Annual Conference at the University of California, Irvine (2002).
- Irrungen und (Ver-)Wirrungen auch bei Keller? Der spielerische Einsatz von Geschlecht und Sexualität in Kellers Novellen. Presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in San Diego, California. (2002).
Awards and Grants:
- UNM Outstanding Lecturer of the Year Award (2014-2015).
- Gloria Flaherty Prize, Goethe Society of North America (2008).
- Best Article of 2004, Journal Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German (2005).
Teaching Interests:
- German Language and Culture
- 18th Century German Literary and Philosophical Culture
- Gender and its Representation in 18thand 19th Century German Literature
- Psychoanalysis and Literature
- Language Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
Representative Courses:
- GRMN 204 – Intermediate German Conversation.
- GRMN 301/302 – Advanced German I & II.
- GRMN 307 – Introduction to German Literature.
- GRMN 336 – Damned Heroes: From Don Juan to Darth Vader.
- GRMN 447 – German / English Translation (theory and practice).
- GRMN 450 – Gender / Ehe / Familie im 18. Jahrhundert.
- GRMN 480 – Die deutsche Novelle.
- GRMN 508/509 – German for Reading (graduate).
- GRMN 549 – Die Frühaufklärung im deutschen Kulturkreis (graduate).
- GRMN 550 – Der bürgerliche Realismus (graduate).
- GRMN 550 – Vom Ritual zum Theater (graduate).
- GRMN 555 – German Aesthetics and Theories of Play (graduate).
- UNM German Summer School Program, 2009-present, courses in German Literature, Culture and Second Language Acquisition.
Other Information:
- President, the New Mexico Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG), 2014-present.
- Chair, Faculty Senate Admissions and Registration Committee, 2020-present, University of New Mexico.
- Adviser, Languages, 2014-present, University of New Mexico, Department of Foreign Languages.
- Coordinator, Comparative Literature/Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference, 2009-present, University of New Mexico, Department of Foreign Languages.
- Faculty Director, German Summer School Program, Summer 2013, 2017 & 2018, UNM Department of Foreign Languages