CAPS Tutors
We can help!
Drop-In & Conversation Groups:
- Check out our most up-to-date schedules
- All UNM students, language learners, and native speakers are invited to Conversation Groups!
- Come with your classmates!
Individual Appointment (25 or 50 min.):
- To make an appointment, call 277-7205, visit the 3rd floor of Zimmerman Library, or visit our Virtual Front Desk
- If your instructor is granting you extra credit for visiting CAPS, don’t forget to fill out the “Instructor Notification Form”!
CAPS is a free-of-charge educational assistance program available to UNM students enrolled in undergraduate classes. The tutors at CAPS are UNM upper-division undergraduates and graduate students. The CAPS tutor-training program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association. CAPS provides tutoring for many undergraduate courses. The offerings in language tutoring varies, for up to date information please visit - CAPS
FLL Tutors
French | Maurice Tetne |